On 8 June 2021 a conference was held to summarize the results of the XV Lublin inter-school vocational competition “A year before diploma”, organized by the Local Government Teacher Training Centre and Professor Kazimierz Drewnowski Power Engineering School Complex in Lublin.
Honorary patronage over the competition was held by the Marshal of Lublin Province, Superintendent of Education in Lublin, Mayor of Lublin City, Rector of Lublin University of Technology, Polish Information Society.
During the conference the results of the competition were announced and the course of the regional stage was summarized. In the school stage of the 2020/21 competition 984 students from Lublin and Lublin Voivodship participated. The regional stage was attended by 202 students, 69 teams representing 25 technical schools from Lubelskie Voivodeship, competing in 15 qualifications. There were 68 winners and 31 runners-up.
The conference was attended by Ms. Edyta Migałka, Director of Communications of the VCC Foundation, who introduced the participants to the possibilities of international certification of professional skills and on behalf of the Foundation, virtually gave vouchers to 25 students for vocational skills certification exams in the field of:
- 2D and 3D CAD engineering – 15 vouchers (construction, wood technology, mechatronics)
- Accounting and financial management – 5 vouchers (economist)
- Web programming – 4 vouchers (IT specialist)
- English language for electricians – 1 voucher (electrician)
Information about the results of the competition is available on the organizers’ websites:
- https://zsen.lublin.eu/konferencja-podsumowujaca-wyniki-xv-lubelskiego-miedzyszkolnego-konkursu-zawodowego-rok-przed-dyplomem/
- https://www.lscdn.pl/pl/wydarzenia/relacje/lublin/12561,XV-lubelski-miedzyszkolny-konkurs-zawodowy-quotRok-przed-dyplomem-podsumowanie.html