Research shows that well developed and completely new professional skills will be required for finding a job in the future. The economic crisis, as well as factors such as,globalization, technological changes, an ageing society and the transition to a low-emission economy are the main causes of the rapid changes occurring in the European labour markets.These rapid changes result in a lack of appropriate skills needed in some sectors or professions with in the European Union.
The initiation of cooperation between the European Commission and European Union countries has been called “New skills for new jobs”. Its main goal is to eliminate some of the previously mentioned issues by supporting the development of more efficient analysis and predictions concerning the skill requirements of the future, which should be improved and matched in education so that employees will be able to obtain the necessary competences.
Which professions will be the most desirable on the labour market within the next 10 years? How will the demand for skills and competences change with in the European Union? Are the education and training delivery systems prepared for providing European citizens with jobs?
The VCC Foundation monitors, compares, and analyses data from the labour market, updates the needs of the individual regions in Europe, and indicates employment possibilities based on individual competences.
To provide the possibility of working and creating more competitive and balanced national economies, Europe needs a highly-qualified workforce which is able to cope with present and future challenges. To realise this,is necessary to invest more in individual abilities and improve the connection between skills and jobs in the European Union through efficient forecasting of future trends.
The complex monitoring of the changes within the European labour market, as conducted by the VCC Foundation, analyses data about the types of employment on the labour market of individual European Union countries and their neighbouring countries. Data comes from many different sources, including public employment institutions, job agencies, portals, governmental administration offices, independent studies, national statistic offices, companies’ needs analyses and other research.
Thanks to the VCC Foundation’s research, a training profile which matches employers’ requirements and the requirements of people interested in gaining new abilities has been created. The certification system takes into account modern market trends as well as the’ requirements of particular professions, and focuses on vocational competences, vocational language, IT competences, and psychological competences.
Wide research analysis allows for the creation of tools which can be used in European Union programmes concerning professional mobility, and European education will be able to reach a higher level.