Negotiations with NLP elements

Business associates shaking hands in officeNegotiations are key and indispensable element of numerous professions. Sales representative, manager or salesperson skilled in negotiating will be more effective in their work. People, who deal with convincing others on a daily basis ought to demonstrate broad and comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge regarding negotiations. Increasing this knowledge with the elements of neurolinguistic programming (NLP) will make convincing more successful and will satisfy both negotiating parties and, simultaneously, it will guarantee professional success of an employee.

The presented certification process is aimed at people who would like to improve their negotiating skills, effectiveness of conducted negotiations as well as learn new negotiation techniques and games.

During the training, the participants take part in workshops developing skills needed for maximizing profits in negotiations, i.e. to establish goals properly, define BATNY (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement) as well as to change negotiating perspective. We will also provide you with negotiation arsenal: in the part involving persuasion language and techniques we will deal with using knowledge and methods regarding neurolinguistic programming.

Number of training hours

Duration of examination
