VCC and Europass

europass-logoEuropass is an initiative of European Commission which was established for guarantee to the all citizens of European Union the equal opportunities in presenting professional qualifications.

The Europass objectives are:

  • to help citizens communicate their skills and qualifications effectively when looking for a job or training,
  • to help employers understand the skills and qualifications of the workforce,
  • to help education and training authorities define and communicate the content of curricula.

Europass includes 5 documents: the Europass CV, the Language Passport, the Europass Mobility, the Certificate Supplement and the Diploma Supplement.

VCC Suplement which is an integral part of certificate, has the similar structure to the Europass Certificate Supplement. Describes learning effects in the way that allows the employers to recognize and equate vocational qualifications. Thanks to that it conduces occupational mobility which is one of the key idea of Europass.

Thanks to the consistency with Europass goals the Foundation for the Development of the Education System granted the permission for using Europass logo on VCC certificates.